Transparency for the New Year: Less is More

2023 was the hardest year of my life and as we turned towards 2024, I blogged some tips about how to help those in your life in need of support. I’m happy to say that I’ve turned it all around – but it was useful for me to look at those tips with a fresh eye now and see if I’ve been employing them for those in need around me. A mixed bag, I confess.

Part of the key for my success in becoming “Broc” again is re-learning how to not overthink it. Not analyzing so much. Stop running negative storylines in my head.

It’s such a trite thing to say but attitude really is everything. I am well aware that sometimes you can’t help yourself when you reach a point of no return. But if you’re doing sorta fine and have the wherewithal to make the effort to change, the best thing you can do for yourself is to let the small stuff slide and focus on the positive.

Be mindful of the 7-8 storylines that you’re repeatedly telling yourself that day and ask yourself, “are these storylines making me feel good or getting me down?” If they’re downers, change the channel. There’s no reason to live in a miserable state if you can help it.

I’ve doubled down on my gratitude offerings. I make it a point to share gratitudes every night with my wife. And it’s made a world of difference. When my kids were little, we used to ask them to share their “Happy Mo’s” at bedtimes. Happy moments. The highlights of their day. I’ve gone back to that basic way to live. Less is more…

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