Studies That Help Build the “Transparent Disclosure” Business Case

A while back, I penned a blog making the business case for companies to be transparent in their disclosure – arguing that transparency builds trust, which in turn enhances a company’s reputation to build real value. At that time, I promised to blog a laundry list of the studies that bear this out.

I’ve compiled sort of a hodgepodge of studies to illustrate that demand for a solid corporate reputation comes from all quarters – from all the different types of stakeholders that a company has. There certainly is no dearth of studies about corporate reputation – the last study in this list analyzes over 5000 of these studies. Here is what I’ve drummed up so far:

  1. 2023 Edelman Trust Barometer” – Edelman (2023)
  2. Reputation Research: Importance, Benefits and Tools” – Determ (2023)
  3. General Public Wants More Corporate Transparency” – JUST Capital (2023)
  4. The Importance of Corporate Reputation for Sustainable Supply Chains: A Systematic Literature Review, Bibliometric Mapping, and Research Agenda” – David von Berlepsch, Fred Lemke and Matthew Gorton (2022)
  5. Corporate Reputations Measured and in Practice: How Can Corporations Stay Authentic to Their Positive External Depictions, Corporations Stay Authentic to Their Positive External Depictions, Internally?” – Valeene Wilson (2022)
  6. A Bad Job of Doing Good: Does Corporate Transparency on a Country and Company Level Moderate Corporate Social Responsibility Effectiveness?” – Martin Heinberg, Yeyi Liu and Andreas Eisingerich (2021)
  7. Using Transparency to Enhance Reputation and Manage Business Risk” – Basware (2020)
  8. Corporate reputation in management research: a review of the literature and assessment of the concept” – Annika Veh, Markus Gobel and Rick Vogel (2019)

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