How to Draft Good Disclosure: In-House Perspective

These in-house speakers are crisp and practical – it is a great panel! In this 22-minute video, join Healthpeak Properties’ Carol Samaan, Lumen Technologies’ Michael Rouvina and Cognizant’s Aya Kiy-Morrocco as they discuss:

  1. When you’re working on brand new disclosure – some new development or a new rule requirement – what is your recommended process for starting? Bulleted outlines, reviewing other sample disclosures?
  2. When you do look at peer disclosures, what type of “peers” do you look at? And how many peer disclosures?
  3. When updating a section of disclosure, what are you looking for to change? How much diligence do you conduct?
  4. How much do you think about design when you draft? Do you rely on others more for that type of thing?
  5. When you are in charge of a disclosure team, what is your process to ensure people deliver timely and competently?
  6. Any other disclosure tips to offer?

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